PikkiPowPow : Guitar Tabs Chords for Winamp

When I was jamming on my guitar to songs playing through Winamp, I was frustrated to move my fingers from the frets to the keyboard to search for the guitar tabs and chords in Google. That’s when I decided to make use of Winamp’s Online Services and create a plugin to automatically search and display various tabs and lyrics whenever a song is played!

Winamp Guitar Tabs Chords

It outdated at the moment, but you can add to Winamp from here

You can also search for it by opening Winamp, open media library – online services, and search for Pikkipowpow.

You can also check out the web home page, but not much going on there.

I will hopefully get some time in future to fix it up a bit, not sure its 100% functional anymore

Technical Specs :
Made in 2005, using ASP.NET web forms, MsSql database, and it uses a lot of the winamp online services JS functions to communicate with Winamp.

Preresiquites : Winamp5.55 or later

Guitar Tabs Chords Winamp

add new tab guitar tabs winamp


By David Smit

Creating anything via technology is my passion. I specialize in (but is not limited to) ASP.NET web development.